Six Months after My Demise

Finally, I am also one of the Canadian soldiers who died during the invasion of Sicily when I got shot by the enemy. Even though many soldiers died, it was Allied victory. My family was informed six month after my death about how and when I was killed. They received a picture of my grave for them to know where I was buried. After a month, they received another letter which included all the names of my belongings and the date that they will be receiving them. However, my stuff would only stay as a memory for my family. The tears of my mother did not stop. Unlike my mom who cries on the outside, my father is cries on the inside so he would not show his sadness. My brothers and sisters did not know what to do as if there was a part of them missing. On the other hand, the girl that I love can not believe that I have died. But, before I was getting ready to go to the next battle, I wrote her a good bye letter, knowing that I may not survive. This is my story. The story of a soldier who wanted to join the war so that he could be seen as a man and to make his family and the girl he loved proud. Thinking that I was fighting for the freedom of my country, I ended up fighting for the governments who are desperate for more power. And at the end, many soldiers and I sacrificed our lives for something that was worthless.   article-0-118C3B12000005DC-343_636x288_popup

Preparing for Battle

It is the night before I head to the next battle. Tomorrow is July 10, 1943 and we will be heading to Sicily to take it over from the hands of Axis power. Thinking that war would have a positive effect on me was a mistake. Before leaving my home town, I thought how amazing life would be when I come back; for me and my family. I would be having a proud family and the girl that I love with me. Now that I take a look back on my thoughts, they were nonsense. War destroys a person’s life bye knowing that you have killed so many people, even though you were trying to protect yourself and your country, is the biggest regret. Sometimes when I am not carrying weapons, I feel naked and unprotected; thinking of being attacked any second. How would I let go of all these thoughts when I go back home? Would I always have the fears? Who knows! The terrific weather conditions that other soldiers and I went through were unforgettable. The days that we did not have any water to drink while we were walking on the hot desert of North Africa and fighting with the enemy, watching the other members of our country who we called our brothers dying and not being capable to do anything were all unforgettable. Before joining the army, I believed that I would be attending to save my country. However, now I see everything clearly. These battles are all about gaining power and no one is innocent; including the Allies. All the countries are all fighting just because they do not want to lose or let other countries to gain power. Unlike we care about our country, It is obvious that our country, Canada, does not care about its citizens’ lives. This is why I do not want to sacrifice my life for something worthless.

Letters Sent to Home

Even though the conditions in North Africa are horrible, my letters to my family have only few details. I do inform them about how worm and wwwm1761harsh the weather conditions are, however, I do not talk about the death of other soldiers, about how we don’t have enough water, etc. Though, they hear some of the situations that occur here; about how many Canadian soldiers’ lives is in danger and about how many of them are dead. This is why my letters to them are mostly to inform them that I am all right and that they do not need to worry.

Letters from Home

While on mission, the letters that I receive from my family are the things keeping me alive. Knowing that they are safe makes me calm. However, many of these letters surprise me. My parents, who are farmers, are expected to produce their own food and provide for the war overseas as well. Families who are not farmers are also encouraged to plant victory gardens and to grow their own food so they can limit their spending. Also, everyone is encouraged to buy victory bonds to help out for the war effort. I heard that when you buy victory bonds, the government promises you that they will return your money in ten years or more. The government needs all the extra money it could get to help pay for war equipments. The government is also putting posters all around the city to encourage more people to buy victory bonds.

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After we men left, there were huge amount of unemployment and this is why now single and married women are working and doing the jobs that the men were. Who knew that women can do as great as men! Not only they are doing labour work, they are also taking roles in Royal Canadian Air Force Women’s Division, Canadian Women’s Army Corps and Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service. These places that they are taking roles in, for instance, they are nursing, making equipments such as guns, making plains, going over seas, etc. Even though the women are allowed to work now for the war effort, I do hope that both single and married women would have the chance to continue working because they do deserve it and my mother and sisters are as hardworking as me and my brothers are.  The last letter from my parents said that whoever that is unemployed would get charged by $500 and or twelve months imprisonment. Also, the government is starting to ration goods to ensure that there is large enough supply to meet both military and civilian needs. Hopefully the government would not ration more goods; or else I would start to get worried about my family.

My Experience In North Africa

imagesCAS36BDW       After my training in Switzerland for a year, we were then sent to a different place. Thinking that we were on the way to a cold place, the temperature started to rise and we realised that most of our training for skiing was for no reason. When we arrived, we found ourselves in North Africa. This battle is between the Allies vs. Italy and the Axis power and it started on June 10, 1940 when Italy declared war on the Allies five days after Germany invaded France. I am taking part in land and we are attempting to push back Italy to Libya while she is trying to invade Egypt. The conditions here are horrible because we are located in the deserts of North Africa. The weather is blazing hot. We do not wash ourselves because we need water to survive. There are bugs and other creatures that we have never seen before in our lives. At night, on the other hand, it’s really cold. Sand storms show up once in a while, covering up our belonging and even sometimes the soldiers when they are asleep. Many countries want to take over North Africa because of its oil resource and it would be easier for them to invade other parts of Middle East when they have North Africa. Though I am happy about fighting for my country, I am regretting killing all those imagesother soldiers that are just like me, trying to keep themselves alive and their country protected. However, if joining the war and killing soldiers is what makes you a man, I rather stay as a boy who is pure and never watched other’s death.

My Decision in Joining the Second Word War

As a twenty-three year old guy, I am not seen as a man because I have not joined the army yet. A guy’s dignity and pride is the most important thing that many guys like me cares about; especially when you are in love with someone and you want to impress them. This is why I made the decision to join the war. Not only my pride and dignity was the cause of my decision, but also the media. There were posters all around the city encouraging soldiers to join the war and to prevent our country from danger. However, my decision was not as exciting for my family as it have been for me. I do understand my family because we have been hearing allot of news about the other Canadian soldiers who are fighting in Hong Kong. Many Soldiers have died and almost half of them are in Japanese prison camps. Even though this makes me think that there is a chance that these situations might happen to me as well, I am trying to think positive and how amazing life would be when I go home after the war.

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Before the government sending me to a battle, I had to go through some processes which were required. For instance, I had to go threw many health check-ups for them to see if I am capable of joining the war. For examples they checked if I had flat feet or not because people who do have flat feet get really tired very quickly. Now I am doing my training in Switzerland. We are being taught how to ski. Yet, I still can not forget the tears of my mother coming down form her eyes as if she was saying goodbye to me for the last time.

Response to the Article “Prime Minister Chamberlain Declared War”

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        As a citizen of Canada, I do believe that not only our country Canada deserves peace, but our whole world does. However, peace is too far from our will. The Article “Prime Minister Chamberlain Declares War” talks about how Hitler is the one who takes away the freedom and the British Prime Minister wants to bring peace. Yet, unless the day comes which no country is desperate for more power, our world will struggle. Prime Minister Chamberlain states in his speech that even though he wants peace, he has no other choice than fighting against Germany because Hitler “Can only be stopped by force”. As Albert Einstein said, “Peace can not be stopped by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” If the British Prime Minister really wanted to achieve freedom, he would not have declared war when he knows that thousands of soldier’s lives would be at risk. As we all know, League of Nations was formed to bring peace. However, when they could not stop the Manchurian Crisis and The Invasion of Abyssinia, there is no hope for them to be able to stop this war. When Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria, China appealed to the League of Nations for help. Though when League told Japan to withdraw from Manchuria, Japan ignored the request. This showed how insignificant the League of Nations is and that it has no power of its own; except the strength and will of its members. The Invasion of Abyssinia was also another situation which showed how pointless League of Nations is. When Abyssinia needed League of Nations’ help from stopping Italy taking over their land, League only threatened Italy for not trading oil with them. However, Italy took Abyssinia and continued trading oil anyways. Now we have nothing else but hopping for the day that the government’s desperation for gaining power would last. You may say I am a dreamer, but hoping is what keeps us alive.