Response to the Article “Prime Minister Chamberlain Declared War”

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        As a citizen of Canada, I do believe that not only our country Canada deserves peace, but our whole world does. However, peace is too far from our will. The Article “Prime Minister Chamberlain Declares War” talks about how Hitler is the one who takes away the freedom and the British Prime Minister wants to bring peace. Yet, unless the day comes which no country is desperate for more power, our world will struggle. Prime Minister Chamberlain states in his speech that even though he wants peace, he has no other choice than fighting against Germany because Hitler “Can only be stopped by force”. As Albert Einstein said, “Peace can not be stopped by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” If the British Prime Minister really wanted to achieve freedom, he would not have declared war when he knows that thousands of soldier’s lives would be at risk. As we all know, League of Nations was formed to bring peace. However, when they could not stop the Manchurian Crisis and The Invasion of Abyssinia, there is no hope for them to be able to stop this war. When Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria, China appealed to the League of Nations for help. Though when League told Japan to withdraw from Manchuria, Japan ignored the request. This showed how insignificant the League of Nations is and that it has no power of its own; except the strength and will of its members. The Invasion of Abyssinia was also another situation which showed how pointless League of Nations is. When Abyssinia needed League of Nations’ help from stopping Italy taking over their land, League only threatened Italy for not trading oil with them. However, Italy took Abyssinia and continued trading oil anyways. Now we have nothing else but hopping for the day that the government’s desperation for gaining power would last. You may say I am a dreamer, but hoping is what keeps us alive.

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