My Decision in Joining the Second Word War

As a twenty-three year old guy, I am not seen as a man because I have not joined the army yet. A guy’s dignity and pride is the most important thing that many guys like me cares about; especially when you are in love with someone and you want to impress them. This is why I made the decision to join the war. Not only my pride and dignity was the cause of my decision, but also the media. There were posters all around the city encouraging soldiers to join the war and to prevent our country from danger. However, my decision was not as exciting for my family as it have been for me. I do understand my family because we have been hearing allot of news about the other Canadian soldiers who are fighting in Hong Kong. Many Soldiers have died and almost half of them are in Japanese prison camps. Even though this makes me think that there is a chance that these situations might happen to me as well, I am trying to think positive and how amazing life would be when I go home after the war.

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Before the government sending me to a battle, I had to go through some processes which were required. For instance, I had to go threw many health check-ups for them to see if I am capable of joining the war. For examples they checked if I had flat feet or not because people who do have flat feet get really tired very quickly. Now I am doing my training in Switzerland. We are being taught how to ski. Yet, I still can not forget the tears of my mother coming down form her eyes as if she was saying goodbye to me for the last time.

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